Flashed At A Wedding Workshop + Styled Shoot
Spots will open up on Sunday at 6:00PM CST! Mark your calendars, set your alarms. There are only 10 spots available.
I’m super stoked to announce my next workshop: Flashed at a Wedding: Workshop + Styled Shoot.
TOPIC: I’LL BE TEACHING HOW TO EFFECTIVELY USE SPEEDLIGHTS OFF-CAMERA to create gorgeous, dynamic reception photos + deliver beautiful portraits AFTER the sun goes down.
WHEN & WHERE: THE CORDELLE, NASHVILLE TN. 3.4.2020 4-9pm. I rented a stunning venue that provides us with diverse lighting locations to test your newly learned skills.
MY MISSION: When I started using flash, I was totally clueless. I had no idea how or why my flash worked: I just put it on my camera and ETTL helped me fumble my way through my receptions (mostly). There were times when my flash wouldn’t fire or it wouldn’t behave the way I wished it would. It left me feeling like I was letting my clients down. Asking my peers questions about flash was TOTALLY INTIMIDATING and OUT OF THE QUESTION. I didn’t want to feel like less of a photographer for not knowing the answers. Fast forward through a gazillion hours of YouTube videos, online courses, blogs, etc… I’ve learned how to properly light receptions, how to balance flash and ambient light, creative techniques using flash, and so much more. There is not one crappy lighting scenario that I can’t tackle… and perhaps my favorite thing is I don’t have to say “The lighting was shitty so therefore your photos are shitty.” I hear that way too often from photographers and, quite frankly, your clients deserve better, amiright? So LET ME HELP YOU. I am here to light the way #punintended. And of course- this workshop is a judgement-free zone where you’ll learn, you’ll ask questions. You’ll experiment, you’ll create. You’ll walk away with priceless knowledge that you will carry with you throughout your photography career plus some badass photos to add to your portfolio.
Just a FEW of the topics I’ll be covering:
-Equipment + Setup (The equipment I use + how I place my speedlights)
-Troubleshooting (Not getting the results you are hoping for? I’ll teach you how to achieve the look you are going for!)
-Speedlight modifiers
-Camera + Flash Settings
-E-TTL vs. Manual
-Creative Night Portraits
-Shutter Drag // Double ( & triple & quardruple) Exposures
After the class, we’ll head into a styled wedding shoot where you can IMMEDIATELY put your new knowledge to use! I’ll be floating around to answer your questions and offer guidance. I am partnering with some creative & talented wedding vendors- there’s no doubt this shoot will be portfolio-worthy!
Note: You’ll be in small groups at stations so you aren’t fighting other photographers to get the shots you want (one of my biggest pet peeves about styled shoots)!
Tickets are non-refundable but may be transferred with communication and approval of Laura K. Allen. Please e-mail [email protected] if you have any questions.